Here are our fabulous matchmaking Shadchanim - from A to Z..
They are spread across London and Manchester, Basel, Zurich, Amsterdam and Jerusalem
Brevice Azoulay
Brevice is a Mother and Grandmother. She has been married to her husband Haim for 33 years and they live in Edgware. She has worked at Beis Yaakov Primary School for 17 years. She made her first shidduch over 20 years ago – and B”H they have been happily married since then.
Brevice accepts singles between 20 – 60 from UK and Europe.
Sarah Benarroch
Sarah lives in Hendon, London with her husband and five children. She works part time as a special educational needs assistant in a girls school.
She enjoys meeting new people and feels privileged to be involved with helping in shidduchim. She primarily welcomes clients from the UK
Ben & Batsheva Blackston
Batsheva and Ben originally met through SYAS and as a result, they decided to become Shadchanim on the site. Batsheva is originally from London and Ben is from Manchester, where they now live, with their little baby, Joshy. Ben is a project manager and Batsheva is currently studying for an MSc in Counselling and Psychotherapy. They like a personal approach with the people they set up, as otherwise, it's very easy to get lost as a name in a big search engine. They made their first match a few months after joining the site and hope they can help others in the search to find their soulmate.
Batsheva and Ben work with singles across the globe, between the ages of 20-40. They prefer to be contacted via email on the site.
Melanie Calvert
Melanie was born in South Africa and moved to London with her family. Melanie is married with two young children and currently lives in Hendon. She is a qualified solicitor but is not practising at the moment.She is involved in the community, running three gemachs alongside family members, fund raising for charities and organising shiurim and currently works for a Jewish charity in London.Melanie has been involved with advising and arranging shidduchim for several years. She is passionate about helping others meet their basherts.
Melanie accepts singles aged 18-40 from anywhere in the UK.
Suzy Goldberg
Suzy is a mother and grandmother and is a teacher of Jewish Studies at Yavneh College. She teaches kallot (brides) and Hebrew Reading to adults. She fell into matchmaking almost 30 years ago when a simple introduction between 2 friends resulted in their getting married and she hasn’t looked back since!
Suzy lives in London but accepts singles of any age from pretty much anywhere in the world, except the USA where there are plenty of shadchanim!
Rachel &Beni Lichtenstein
Coming soon...
Malki Luftig
Malki is originally from Antwerp and moved to London after she got married. She’s a qualified speech and language therapist and a music teacher. She got involved in shidduchim after having set up a few people, with success. She is passionate about helping others meet their bashert.
Malki accepts singles from Europe and the UK in the age range 18-45. She likes to meet her clients first.
Ari Majer
Ari was born in Italy, spent his teenage years in Israel and then some time in Yeshiva in the UK and the States. After marrying Maidi, from Munich, they lived in Golders Green, London for 12 years, before settling in Manchester UK, where have happily integrated with all facets of the Jewish spectrum.
Ari is open minded and multilingual, at ease with singles across the orthodox spectrum. He's a father of 4 and grandfather of 2, an experienced 'man of the world' with plenty of advice to give.
Sarita Mandelbaum
Sarita is Dutch, a mother of two children and a grandmother. She lives with her American husband in Amsterdam. Previously they lived in Brussels, Belgium. She works part-time as an Occupational Therapist and is involved in a catering gemach with four other ladies.
She would like to help singles of any age, from anywhere in Europe, find their bashert.
Judy Minsky
Judy is a mother & grandmother whose 3 married children live in New York. She became a matchmaker in 2016 when she was approached to do so to ensure some representation in the United Synagogue's fastest growing community of Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. Having worked in HR for many years, Judy feels her skills with people can be utilised to try and make matches. She does visit New York several times a year, but tries to keep in touch with the site when she is away. She accepts singles of any age and religious level mostly from the UK.
She can be contacted either via the site, or by email:
Danielle Morheim
Coming soon...
Tovah Shapiro
Tovah, originally from Leeds, lives in Golders Green with Glasgow born husband Harvey and their 5 children. She initially started out 15 years ago when she felt there was a need for more shadchanim to concentrate their efforts on the Baalei Teshuva and Modern Frum world and decided to help people find their other half in her spare time.
Over the years, many people have met across their Shabbos table, which is regularly filled with singles from all over the world and many happy couples later, she remains inspired by the idea that you can change someone’s life with one phonecall!
Tovah lives in London and is happy to accept singles age 20-40 from anywhere, as long as she can meet them in person.
Dini Sharman
Dini Lives in Golders Green, London with her husband Jonny, and got married in August 2014.
She is a professional Pianist BMus (Hons) and works as a freelance Piano teacher.
She made her first successful match 5 years ago between a close friend and a family friend and has been involved in setting people up ever since. She is truly passionate about helping singles find their bashert.
Dini is happy to accept singles between the age of 18 - 40 from anywhere in the UK.
Linda Sireling
Linda Sireling has been a successful shadchanit for 22 years. She recently made Aliya from Golders Green to Jerusalem and continues to be very active on the site. She is married to Lester, a consultant psychiatrist.
Linda works mostly with the more yeshivish and modern orthodox machmir end of the religious spectrum. She also works with baalei teshuva, having been one herself many years ago! She has been on the TV a few times and is well known in the community. Taking her role as shadchanit very seriously, she seeks Daas Torah often.
Linda accepts singles aged 18-30 from the UK, Europe and from Jerusalem if they're English speaking! She prefers to be contacted via the site.
Elana Sotil
Elana Sotil grew up in Sydney, Australia and moved to Basel, Switzerland after getting married. She is a qualified Financial Analyst and Writer, but focuses at the moment on taking care of her young children. Elana has been active in helping community organisations both in Sydney and Basel. Elana understands the challenges today of shidduchim being done across global borders and has been involved with shidduchim over the last 10 years.
Elana accepts singles of any age from any place as long as she can meet or speak with them.
Rivky Wajsman
Rivky lives in Stamford Hill and is a mother of 4 young children. She works as a teacher and has been involved in shidduchim for many years. Helping others to find their bashert has always been something close to her heart.
Rivky accepts singles from Europe and UK from 18+
Debbie Weissbraun
Debbie lives in Golders Green with her husband Moishe and is a mother and grandmother. She has been teaching in Jewish schools for over twenty years and heads Special Needs at Mathilda Marks Kennedy Primary School. She has been involved with Shidduchim for the last seven years and is looking forward to helping more singles through
Debbie accepts singles between 18 and 55 from the UK and Europe and would like to meet them if possible.